Creating A Home Cinema

With the prices at the cinema always on the rise and while DVD and streaming services become better and cheaper, there is no better time to add a cinema room to your home. At first you may wonder how on earth you could get a cinema room and where it would fit into your home, but many people find their garage or loft is ripe for conversion and makes the ideal space to have a cinema room.

In this article we’ll explain the different factors you might want to take into consideration when planning a loft or garage conversion for a home cinema. 

Home Cinema In The Loft

Compared to your garage, your loft might have more floor space on average, but if you think about how your roof slopes it’s easy to see why you’ll end up with what feels like a slightly smaller room. If you plan on going for a loft conversion for your home cinema then you might want to plan very carefully where things will go. 

If you plan on mounting a flat screen on your wall then you’ll obviously need at least one fully vertical wall without windows and preferably not with the stairs leading into the room. Think also about how you’ll get any large furniture up there. An alternative to a large sofa is buying individual cinema style seating with plush leather cushioning, cup holders and the option to recline.

All in all, a loft conversion home cinema might feel a lot cosier, and you might not be able to pack the place out, but it can be a great little retreat area. Keep in mind that the higher the screen resolution of your television, the closer you can be to the screen without the image clarity becoming compromised.

Home Cinema In The Garage

Very few people keep their car in their garage these days and it’s more often a place in which we store or hoard our junk. This clutter very rarely sees the light of day and can probably be thrown away, while any garden equipment should be banished to the shed.

Once you’ve got the place cleared you’ll be better able to appreciate the space. You should plan out the space first of all. Take a measuring tape and see what the best layout will be and where best to position the seating and the screen. One benefit of a garage conversion is that it will be easier to get things into the space, with no slanting ceiling (by avoiding slanting ceilings you will also stand a better chance of adding in a projector style system). To maximise space you could use a corner sofa and install surround sound for the ultimate, immersive experience.

Regardless of whether you opt to convert your garage or your loft, you need to think about what you want to achieve with the space first. There is no doubt that once the conversion is complete you will be far happier using the space as a home cinema, avoiding the costly ticket and popcorn prices elsewhere.