Kids need to enjoy some basic quality amenities to grow well, and water is one. Your kids need quality and safe water to grow. Is soft water the right water for your kid?
Well, of course it is! It helps safeguard your child’s overall health in ways you may not know. If you live in an environment with hard water, you must find means to soften it for your child.
How well is soft water beneficial to your kids? Check below!
Enables kids’ comfort
Hard water can be tough on kids, making them uncomfortable. Whether you feed, bathe or wash their clothes with it, you can expect it to affect your kids.
For example, constantly washing your kids’ clothes with hard water can trigger skin conditions that will make them uncomfortable, resulting in discomfort for you too. However, soft water is gentle and free from some harmful mineral elements.
If the water in your home is hard, it’s time you invest in some water softeners for your kid’s comfort. This will ensure that your child remains safe and grows healthy.
Protect skin from diseases
Hard water can be harsh on the skin of kids, resulting in certain diseases in their body. Also, it can cause physical and chemical abrasion, causing skin irritation.
With the high presence of magnesium and calcium in the water, you can expect a series of diseases on their skin. For example, it can allow dermatitis like eczema and rash on your child’s body.
Apart from worrying about the discomfort it’d cause, there’s also the cost of treating it.
Good for overall body health
Using soft water on your kid’s body is good for their skin. It ensures that the soap you use lathers well, retaining the skin’s pH value and moisture.
When the water is safe for consumption, you can promote adequate water intake for your children. This helps push out toxins from the body, aid digestion, and regulate temperature.
Softens hair and skin
Bathing your kids with hard water is bad for not just their skin but also hair as it dries them out. Long use of this water builds up over time, showing on the skin and hair.
It can make the skin and hair look flaky, dry, and scratchy. Before you know it, your kids’ hair will look brittle and unhealthy.
However, you can solve hard water problems with water softeners. When you use soft water, you can expect their skill to look well moisturized, nourished, softer, and healthy.
Prevents fluorosis
Hard water contains much fluoride, and exposing your kids’ teeth to it can cause fluorosis, stunting their teeth growth. Fluorosis appears as white lines on the teeth and is usually irreversible. The best thing is to prevent that from happening by using soft water for brushing your kid’s teeth.
As earlier mentioned, soft water is beneficial to your kids in many ways, and you have to ensure you provide that. Unlike soft water, hard water often has a metallic look and taste, which isn’t good for a growing child.
As a parent or guardian, your job is to protect and ensure perfect health for your kids. If you notice that your kid’s skin and hair don’t look as healthy as they should, it’s advisable that you get water softeners to make the water safer for use.