Home Businesses Ideas You Can Start Today

If there’s one thing we’ve learned as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that working from home is a lot easier than we might have previously thought.

Modern broadband and video conferencing technology mean that we can hold meetings with others online just as well as we can by being in the same room. Meanwhile, the ease with which we can now sell online has turned more of us into traders, whether that’s of things we make, things we buy in or things we mend.

All of which means that it’s not only easier to work from home for an employer – it’s also never been easier to start your own business working from home.

Here are a few home business ideas that you can start today.

Buying and selling second-hand clothes 

Vintage fashions are always popular – whichever period happens to be back in at the time! – and buying old clothes to breathe new life into is a great idea if you’re nifty with a needle and thread or some knitting needles. You can then advertise and sell them online via sites like Vinted, Depop or Vestiaire Collective. You can start small and eventually expand with visual merchandising the clothes using mannequins.


People may be spending more time at home, but that seems to be making many of them less inclined to use some of that time cleaning it. Perhaps it’s because they want to use the money they used to spend commuting on something that means they don’t have to do the things they don’t like doing…such as housework. Either way, if you’re handy with a duster, vacuum cleaners and a mop and bucket, there’s no shortage of domestic cleaning opportunities out there, especially in todays world when you can utilise the existence of online wholesalers for cleaning supplies.

Online tutoring

We all know the value of a good education, and many modern parents are prepared to spend money making sure their children have the best chance of a good future. That could mean extra tutoring to ensure they pass the exams they need to get into further education. If you have the necessary knowledge and qualifications, but don’t fancy facing a classroom full of overly boisterous pre-teens or surly teenagers, this could be the ideal way to make the best use of your skills.

Freelance writer 

Even in this digital age, people need good writers to promote their companies, goods and services, so if you have a way with words, this is one of the ideal jobs that really can be done just as well at home as in an office.

Laundry and ironing

We’ve already mentioned that housework is something many people with disposable income are looking to pay others to do, and laundry and ironing is another. If you don’t mind washing other people’s dirty underwear and are quite happy doing ironing in front of the telly of an evening, this could be right up your street!

Making and selling crafts and gift items

People are always on the lookout for new and different gift items, so if you’re good with your hands and have a creative imagination, this is something you could try. There’s no end of things you could make: jewellery, greetings cards, homeware, Christmas decorations – you’re only limited by your imagination (and your creative skills!). Again you’ll be able to buy craft supplies from online wholesalers to help you make good profit.

Cake making

If you’ve watched Bake Off and thought “I could do that…if it didn’t mean being on telly and having comedians getting in the way”, then why not think about making your own ‘showpieces’ for others’ special events? Alternatively, even though we can all go out and eat together again, many people have grown to like having ready-cooked meals delivered to their door. Cooking and delivering tasty treats like gourmet postal brownies for others can be a good earner, especially if you can offer something for niche dietary tastes and needs that aren’t being met by more traditional outlets.


If you have green fingers, you could try growing plants from seed or cuttings and selling them on to others. You’ll need plenty of space for all the little pots you’ll have on the go, but your home will look and smell lovely!

These are just a few ideas for starting a business from home, but there are plenty of other opportunities out there. Don’t worry if you’re not making huge amounts of money immediately – these things can take time to pick up, but if you do a good job each time, you should be able to get recommendations and build your business from there.