If you were to look up from your laptop, computer, mobile or tablet right now, would you be happy with what you saw, or would your eyes be met by the drab wallpaper that you chose a very long time ago, the paint that no longer matches your furniture or the glazing you settled for because you didn’t have the budget for stylish, timeless oriel windows or glass walls?
You might think decorative choices are unimportant, but studies suggest our houses account for 15% of our happiness – more than what we earn (6%) or the job that we do (3%). Thankfully for your happiness, you can always make a change and there is always room for improvement. In fact, a staggering 93% of UK homeowners are planning a DIY project in the next 12 months.
While the intention undeniably exists, inspiration can sometimes be a little hard to come by. TikTok and Instagram are awash with renovation before and afters that will leave you quite impressed, but you may still be left with the question ‘what home improvement ideas will make the biggest difference to my living space?’
In this blog post, we hope to answer that question. By the end, you should have the knowledge necessary to look up from this device and smile at what you see. After all, home should be where the heart is, but it should also be where the happiness is.
Increase Levels of Natural Light
Natural light is special. Some might even call it magic. After all, light – even on a cold winter’s day – can boost your mood, improve your immunity, increase productivity and enhance the colours and textures around you. In short, it can make you feel happier and healthier, whilst transforming your decor in the process.
The benefits are numerous, but for many people, their natural light is rationed to what comes through their small uPVC windows. As a result, the south side of their homes (depending on the hemisphere) might be bathed in a daytime glow, whilst the north side remains in almost permanent gloom – even at the height of summer.
What is the answer? For us, it is a simple one: increase the amount of glazing.
That, on the face of it, might sound like a costly idea, requiring significant financial investment alongside time, planning and expertise, but it is also the idea that can have the biggest impact on your home improvement project. That is why we wanted to place it at the top of our list.
You might, for example, choose to have a dedicated reading nook in which you can pass the time with a good book and perhaps a glass of something bubbly. An oriel window, whereby the bespoke glass construction juts out from your home and is suspended by ornate brackets, would serve this purpose perfectly.
Alternatively, if you have tall buildings on either side of your home, you could choose to install a large roof light or retractable glass roof. Finally, to prevent one side of your home from being bright and the other gloomy, you could install floor-to-ceiling glass walls, inviting natural light to easily pass from the front to the back of your property whilst still retaining audio privacy between the different spaces.
Premium glazing is, as you might have gathered, very adaptable, so the possibilities are almost endless. Having taken your glazing to the next level, you can then turn your attention to other home improvement ideas.
A Fresh Lick of Paint
While it might seem like a much smaller home improvement idea when compared to installing a glass wall or oriel window, painting can breathe new life into your walls with every brushstroke, changing your perception of a space entirely. Bold, vibrant and eye-catching colours help to make a strong statement, delighting any visitors, whereas softer, gentler hues can create a sense of calmness to enhance your relaxation, perfect for a bedroom or bathroom.
Whatever the purpose of your painting might be – bold or soft – it is vital that your end result is cohesive. What we mean is that the colours can be tied together – whether they link to the furniture or the other colours on your walls.
Like with most things in life, there is a balance – in this case, you should choose enough colours that they each stand out as a design choice, but not too many that you overwhelm the occupant. Three colours are usually the perfect amount – such as white, grey and pops of lime green, or turquoise, ruby red and stone. You can add to these colours later, but your choices should always be dictated by the colour wheel (opposite or directly next to each other).
While the paint dries, let’s step into the garden.
Bring The Outside In
We’re not actually going out into the garden for this idea. Instead, we’re simply replicating what we see out there – plants – in our inside spaces. The Royal Horticultural Society recently published an article that highlighted just a few of the physical and psychological benefits of incorporating greenery into your home improvement project. They included: reduced stress levels, reduced fatigue and headaches by 20%, improved attention span and an increased level of productivity.
Putting the health benefits to one side for a moment, plants also look fantastic. Whether you love variegated leaves, large flowers, tall stems, abundant foliage, or textured bark, there is a plant for everyone and every situation. A Monstera deliciosa, also known as a Swiss cheese plant, can grow quite large and wild, so it is perfect for hiding any unsightly or uninspiring elements like utility boxes or bare walls.
Trailing plants, on the other hand – such as Ceropegia woodii – can create a flowing effect, almost like a waterfall, that helps to move the viewer’s eyes across a space. If you don’t have a huge amount of space, consider growing some edible herbs such as thyme or basil on your windowsill, providing visual interest as well as an ingredient for cooking with.
If plants aren’t for you – or maybe you’ve got plenty already – you might like to turn your attention to the floor beneath your feet.
Varnish or Change Your Floor
Every step you take, every move you make, your wooden floor loses some of its shine and – some might say – gains a little bit of character in the form of scuff marks and scratches. If you are lucky enough to own such a surface beneath your feet, you have two choices: you can either leave it be, allowing it to retain its rustic charm, or you can sand and varnish it to really make it shine.
The first option is, of course, the one requiring less effort, but what you decide is likely to be determined by your home’s overall style. A stone farmhouse might not suit a dazzling floor, whereas a grand manor house might not feel so grand if the floor is entirely faded.
If, on the other hand, it is luxury vinyl, laminate, tiles or carpet beneath your feet, you might like to replace it with something that could enhance your home improvement vision. Victorian-style tiles are currently very popular at the moment, offering a timeless elegance and patterns that will capture the attention of your visitors and even make a space feel much bigger than it is. If you would like to remain in vogue, coloured carpets are deemed a no-go at the moment, but taste is personal, so if you love going heavy on colour, by all means roll out the red carpet!
Make Use of the Night Sky
When was the last time you stopped what you were doing and gazed up at the stars? If the answer to that question is more than a week ago, you are missing out!
The night sky is a fascinating spectacle, filled with constellations, planets and other celestial bodies – it’s no wonder that Van Gogh chose it as his muse! But there is a way for you to enjoy the distant light show without having to stop what you are doing; a glass roof or even a bespoke skylight can reveal the wonders of the night, allowing you to gaze in wonder, but also in comfort.
Admittedly, we already suggested that you install a skylight or glass roof to bring natural light into your home, but these home improvements – while significant – can serve more than one purpose. In fact, in our experience, they can serve several.
With a glass roof or skylight, you can enjoy an abundance of beneficial natural light in the daytime, and be treated to the stars at night. Premium glazing is also often more energy efficient than traditional building materials whilst also enhancing the overall aesthetics of your home.
If you are in the planning phase of a significant home improvement project, we hope that this article has provided you with plenty of inspiration. Our advice would be to be brave and embrace the significant changes because it is here that you will reap the most rewards. Now put down your device and pick up a paintbrush!