How Long Does It Take To Move House In 2022

Are you planning to move property in the UK, perhaps East London? With East London being one of the best places to own property in the UK. The national average for moving in the UK is about 150 days. It means you can take up to five months to move. However, that will depend on the type of property you are buying and the location you are buying from.

It can take longer to move property in London because for different reasons. For instance, when a seller accepts your offer but you can’t get instruct your conveyancer or solicitor in a time timely fashion, it can cause delays. When buying property in the UK, you should not hesitate to work with quality conveyancing solicitor like AVRillo for fast and efficient conveyancing services to speed up the completion and moving.

Why Can It Take Longer To Move House In London?

Buying and selling property in London can be a complex process. Even if you are buying in cash and don’t need a mortgage. Which can result in getting the keys to your new property being longer. Whether it’s packing and moving, finding a buying or the legalities the simplest way to reduce stress when moving property is to understand the process and set a timeframe for moving.

Mortgage Approval

Before you start looking for a property, you want to ensure you can qualify for a mortgage. Ideally, most sellers are more willing to accept an offer if you can prove that you can pay a deposit and get a mortgage for the house. For this you’ll need to know how much you can afford, how much your desired property may be and provide all the relevant paperwork to your mortgage advisor to get an agreement in principle before making offers for a property.

Finding Property 

When buying a property you naturally want to make the right decision, chances are it’ll be your home. You shouldn’t rush when researching the market and viewing different properties. You’ll want to take your time considering the local amenities and surrounding areas to ensure the house is suitable for you. You’ll be able to utilise property websites and listings to find a property that suits your budget and even research the area.

Make An Offer

Once you’ve viewed the properties you think have the potential, you can sit down and make a list of pros and cons of each. This will help you when making that decision on which property to buy. You’ll also want to brush up on your negotiation skills to get the best price when making an offer. If you’re selling you’ll want a quality estate agent to speed up the negotiations and improve your chances of getting better offers.

Conveyancing And Property Survey

The conveyancing process and property survey are the most crucial steps when moving. It can take between 8 and 12 weeks to convey a property in the UK. In most cases, the conveyancing process is subject to delays when there are backlogs, or you’re in a chain.

Completing The Sale

Contracts will then need to be exchanged once the conveyancing processes across the chain have been concluded. A completion date is then agreed upon and contracts will be exchanged.

Final Thoughts

This is a brief overview breakdown of the conveyancing and moving process in UK. Each stage of buying/selling a property and conveyancing takes significant time, which adds to the timeframe you are likely to move. Therefore, you should hire an experienced conveyancer to guide you when moving and speed up the process.