What To Do When You Have 3 Days to Pack for a House Move

So, you’ve just been notified you’ve got a few days to move out, gather your belongings and ship out of your house. In your mind you experience a flurry of emotions on this sudden house move. Your heart’s racing, palms are sweaty, and you’re staring at a sea of belongings. You’re moving in less than a week, and the panic is setting in faster than you can say “packing tape.” Take a deep breath.

While it sounds like a recipe for disaster, we’re here to tell you three days is enough time to transform your home into neatly packed boxes with the right strategy. This guide will walk you through the process, offering unconventional tips and priorities to turn your move from a nightmare into a manageable, dare we say fun, adventure.

Day 1: The Great Purge and Strategic Packing

Get Your Priorities In Order

First things first, create your survival kit. This isn’t just any box; it’s your lifeline for the first few days in your new place. Pack as if you’re going on a weird camping trip where the wilderness is your new, empty home:

  • Clothes for a week 
  • Toiletries
  • Important documents
  • Medications
  • Phone charger and portable battery
  • A roll of toilet paper
  • Coffee maker and coffee
  • One frying pan, one pot, and basic utensils
  • A “first night” box with sheets, pillows, and towels

Declutter The Madness

Three days isn’t the time for sentimentality. Be ruthless, but make it fun:

  • Host a “Everything Must Go” party. Invite friends over and give away items in exchange for packing help.
  • Play the “10-Second Rule”: If you hesitate more than 10 seconds on keeping an item, it goes.
  • For every item you keep, you must toss or donate two.
  • Haven’t used it since the last season of Game of Thrones aired? It’s gone.
  • Create a “Maybe” box. Seal it, date it, and if you haven’t opened it in 6 months at your new place, donate it unopened.

The Room-by-room Blitz

Tackle one room at a time to avoid turning your home into a labyrinth of half-packed boxes. Start with the room you use least which is most likely the guest bedroom and end with the bathroom and kitchen.

Pro tip: Turn it into a game. Set a timer for each room and try to beat your “high score.” Winner gets to choose dinner (loser pays).

Labelling your belongings clearly so your local house movers know where to place them. Don’t just write the room name. Get specific and add a touch of humour:

  • “Kitchen: Coffee Mugs & Will to Live”
  • “Bedroom: Clothes I Hope Will Fit After This Move”
  • “Living Room: Remotes That Might Control the Universe”

And if there are some items you may want to keep but you don’t have enough space to move to the new house for now. Maybe think of how mobile storage can help when moving house.

Day 2: Packing Hacks and The Big Stuff

Use What You Have (And Get Creative)

Your home is full of potential packing materials:

  • Laundry baskets? Perfect for clothes and linens.
  • Suitcases? Fill them up with books or heavy items.
  • Garbage bags? Great for bulky items like pillows or that pile of clothes you were “going to donate anyway.”
  • Wrap breakables in socks. It’s like a cosy hug for your dishes.
  • Use towels and blankets as padding.

Unconventional Packing Tips:

  • Use oven mitts to protect knife blades.
  • Slip stemware into clean socks for padding.
  • Keep clothes on hangers and group them in garbage bags with a hole cut for the hangers.
  • Use empty egg cartons for small, fragile items like Christmas ornaments or jewellery.
  • Fill pots and pans with smaller kitchen items to save space.

Tackle The Furniture And Electronics

Now’s the time for the big stuff:

  • Take photos of how electronics are connected. You will be eternally grateful when you’re spending less time pulling your hair out and following a photo reference of the set up.
  • Use plastic wrap to keep drawers closed during the move. This saves drawers from flying out during lifting and moving around in the truck.
  • Remove legs from tables and chairs when possible. Your furniture just got a lot skinnier.
  • Use your luggage’s extendable handles to move boxes. Instantly transforming it into a moving dolly!

Keep The Energy High

Moving is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep your energy up:

  • Create a moving day playlist. Include “Move It, Move It” and “Don’t Stop Me Now” for maximum effect.
  • Set timers for 25-minute “packing sprints” followed by 5-minute dance breaks.
  • Reward yourself with snacks, this will help you refuel and keep the momentum going.

Day 3: The Final Countdown

Last-minute Essentials

Double-check your “Important Essentials Box”:

  • Basic toolkit (for reassembling furniture and hanging pictures)
  • Air mattress (in case your bed doesn’t make it the first night)
  • Portable speaker (for impromptu unpacking dance parties)
  • Multi-tool (be the MacGyver of your move)
  • First aid kit (never know when someone needs one)

The Final Sweep And Leave No Item Behind

Do a thorough walkthrough:

  • Check every drawer, cupboard, and behind every door.
  • Look under beds, in closets, and yes, even in the oven.
  • Don’t forget outdoor spaces, the garage, shed or roof attic.

Pro tip: Walk backwards through each room. The change in perspective might help you spot forgotten items.

Bring In Professionals

If budget allows, consider last-minute moving help:

Staying Sane In The Chaos

Keep calm and pack on, remember, no move is perfect. If all else fails, throw everything in garbage bags and sort it out later. We won’t judge. In fact, we’ll applaud your resourcefulness.

The Finish Line: You Did It!

Congratulations, you moving maverick! You’ve done the impossible. The hardest part is over, and now you can settle into your new place at your own pace. Unpack the essentials, order that victory pizza, and celebrate your 3-day pack achievement feat.

Remember, every box you unpack is one step closer to calling your new place home. And if you find anything you forgot you owned? Consider it a housewarming gift to yourself from past you.

You’ve not just moved houses; you’ve embarked on a new adventure. Your ability to pack up your life in three days proves you’re capable of handling whatever life throws at you next. So here’s to new beginnings, finding lost socks in strange places, and the sweet victory of closing the door on your new home, knowing you’ve conquered the impossible.